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Setting Up Profile and Stripe Integration

Q: What is required when setting up a user profile on SendWork?

A: When setting up a user profile on SendWork, you will need to provide your base currency, location, company name (if applicable), address, and contact information. This information ensures a seamless experience and enables proper communication with customers.

Q: When setting up my user profile, do I need to enter my card information for a subscription?

A: No, you do not need to enter your card information during the initial setup. All users who register for SendWork are automatically enrolled in the free trial. The free trial only expires when you add 5 clients or 5 tasks. At that point, you will be presented with subscription options.

Q: How do I connect my Stripe account to SendWork?

A: To connect your Stripe account to SendWork, follow the prompts during the user profile setup. You can sign up for free if you do not already have a Stripe account. Connecting your Stripe account enables you to receive payments from customers seamlessly.

Q: What is the difference between connecting a Stripe account and a subscription account on SendWork?

A: Connecting a Stripe account to SendWork allows you to accept customer payments for tasks or services provided. These funds are deposited directly into your bank account, and SendWork does not handle or have access to these transactions. On the other hand, a subscription account refers to the plan you choose on SendWork to access various features and benefits. The subscription account is separate from your Stripe account, specifically for receiving customer payments.

Q: Does SendWork get involved in payment issues between users, their managers, or staff members?

A: No, SendWork does not get involved in payment issues between users, managers, or staff members, nor has any commitment or responsibility for the work completed by users, their managers, or staff. For more information on SendWork’s terms and conditions, please visit