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Customization and Preferences

Q: What customization and preference options does Sendwork offer?

A: Customization and preferences are key features of Sendwork, allowing businesses to scale and expand across multiple locations seamlessly. Here are some standout aspects of our platform’s customization capabilities:

  1. Multiple locations: With Sendwork, you can manage an unlimited number of branches, offices, or locations, making it perfect for businesses expanding across various regions within a country.
  2. Unlimited managers and staff: The platform supports an unlimited number of managers and staff members to serve your growing customer base efficiently.

Q: How does customization and preferences work for businesses with multiple branches in Sendwork?

A: Customization and preferences in Sendwork provide businesses with the flexibility to manage multiple branches efficiently. Owners have the ability to create an unlimited number of branches, each with its own managers and staff members serving a distinct group of customers. This feature is particularly useful for businesses expanding across multiple regions within a country.

Here’s a detailed account of how this works:

  1. Owners can create and manage multiple branches through their control panel.
  2. Each branch can have its own set of managers, staff members, and customers.
  3. Managers are assigned to specific branches, and they can only manage the staff and customers associated with their assigned branch.
  4. Owners have the flexibility to set the default country and currency for each branch, ensuring customers make payments in the appropriate currency.

Additionally, the owner has full control over all aspects of logistics between branches. They can transfer managers, staff, and customers from one branch to another as needed. This level of customization and control allows businesses to efficiently manage their operations, resources, and customers across multiple locations.